Attractions of Anapa


Russian resorts on the Black Sea coast are becoming more and more popular among our compatriots. Which, in general, is not surprising - after all, you do not need visas for such a vacation, you can get there by train or even a private car, and you should not be afraid of the hostility of local residents.

At the same time, the level of service and quality of service is getting better and better every year. Anapa is traditionally considered the pearl of the Black Sea coast. A carefree city, having arrived in which you do not want to think about anything bad, it can boast not only a 55-kilometer beach strip.

Numerous sights of Anapa and the surrounding area will surely interest curious tourists who believe that rest is not peace, but first of all impressions.


The resort boasts a lighthouse that serves both aesthetic and practical functions. Built on this site back in the 19th century, it has been a reference point for sailors for decades. True, the first tower was not preserved - it was destroyed by the retreating German troops in 1943. The current one was built in the 1950s according to a completely different project.

Despite the uncomplicated architectural design, the lighthouse fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. From its foot there is a beautiful view of the sea, the beach and mountains below. Traditionally, couples in love come here to meet sunrise or sunset. During the day, they are replaced by numerous tourists who want to take beautiful photographs as a keepsake.

The lighthouse can rightfully be considered not only a marine, but also an urban landmark. It is visible from afar, from many parts of the city. You can get to one of the best viewing platforms on the Black Sea coast by walking along the Upper Embankment. The visit is completely free. True, you can't get inside - the lighthouse is active.


The embankment is a visiting card, the soul and heart of the city. Completely renovated in 2002, it has become a kind of Russian response to the European resorts of the Mediterranean. Conventionally, the embankment consists of two tiers, but in fact there are three of them.

Huge boulders are located right by the sea, on which vacationers love to sunbathe. However, their main function is not to please guests, but to protect the main street from high waves.

The next tier is a beautiful alley with romantic lanterns, palm trees and flower sculptures. Fish-whale, Octopus, Dolphin have already managed to fall in love with both tourists and locals. However, florists do not stop there and every year they present more and more surprises.

Literally two steps away, behind the wide rails, life is in full swing. Here are concentrated cafes, restaurants, attractions. Numerous dance floors and bars open their doors at night.

On the Upper Tier, the atmosphere is completely different - peace and quiet reign here. It is in this part of the embankment that most of the city's attractions are concentrated - from the lighthouse to the Central Park.

It will hardly be possible to pass by the embankment. And almost all public transport routes pass here. Therefore, getting to it will not be difficult.

Aquapark "Golden Beach"

The city is famous not only for its beautiful sandy beaches, natural beauty and architectural heritage, but also for a lot of entertainment. Aquapark Golden Beach is located right in the city center and traditionally attracts guests of all ages looking for fun and adrenaline. The territory is conditionally divided into several thematic zones, each of which has something interesting. One of them, Treasure Island, is aimed at younger guests.

Those who are already three years old will be able to go down the Malaya Foam and Drakosha slides on their own. It makes no sense to list all the slopes for those who are older - there are a lot of them. Thrill-seekers will surely love the almost steep Kamikaze and Black Hole slides.

Connoisseurs of tranquility can relax in one of the pools. And even if you are not going to rush down at a dizzying speed, it is still worth climbing the towers of the highest slides at least once - a dizzying view of the surroundings and the central part opens up from here.

The doors of the Golden Beach are open daily, from 10-00 to 23-00 (however, in winter, from mid-September to early May, the park is closed).

You can get here by almost any city bus or minibus. Children under 5 years old can visit the water park for free.

Aquarium "Bathyscaphe"

Bathyscaphe is one of the most popular attractions. Traveling through the underwater tunnel is the only chance for many to get to know the world of the Black Sea. After all, not everyone has diving experience and a diving certificate.

Stingrays, flounder, the legendary stargazer and many other fish swim in front of the guests' eyes. Looking at all this diversity, it is difficult even to believe that the fauna of the Black Sea is considered not too rich.

In addition, in the Bathyscaphe you can see dolphins and visit the terrarium with snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles. The aquarium is located not far from the lighthouse, at Protapova street, building 1.

You can get to it by minibus taxi # 9. Opening hours in the summer months - from 10-00 to 18-00, in winter the Bathyscaphe closes an hour earlier.

Bugaz spit

If there are places in Russia that windsurfers and kiters really love, then this is the Bugaz Spit, located not far from Anapa. Those who are looking for vivid impressions also drop in here. For beginners in this area, more than 10 kite schools are open, where you can work out with an instructor and even take the most real courses with the issuance of a certificate. The cost of a one-time lesson is about 2500 rubles.

The spit itself is a small sandy strip, 200-300 meters wide, stretching for 12 kilometers along the Bugaz estuary on one side and the Black Sea on the other.

It is famous not only for its wind, which makes it possible to catch a wave, but also for its beautiful wild beaches. Campers with tents are not uncommon here.

For those wishing to relax in comfort at the beginning of the spit, from the side of the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, there are two boarding houses and a cozy eco-hotel. You can get to the spit by a minibus running between the resort and Blagoveshenskaya.

Source of St. Vladimir

Anapa is famous not only for its beautiful beaches and well-developed entertainment infrastructure, but also for a large number of health resorts offering a variety of treatment programs. Those who want to improve their health on their own should definitely go to the village of Natukhaevskaya, located 27 kilometers from the city.

It is here that one of the most famous mineral springs of the Black Sea coast, named after St. Vladimir, is located. By the way, it is named after a person who has nothing to do with the kingdom of heaven - Dr. Vladimir Budzinsky.

It is he who is considered the founder of sanatoriums. The hilly area surrounding the spring, which is called Semigorye, is also interesting. There is a beautiful oak grove nearby. Scientists claim that the oldest tree here is more than 600 years old.

Getting to the source of St. Vladimir on your own is quite difficult. First of all, you need to get to the village of Natukhaevskaya and then walk in the direction indicated by any local resident.

The source of Theodosius Caucasian

The healing spring of Theodosius Caucasian, located near the village of Gorny, is a place that attracts believers, pilgrims and just curious tourists. Traditionally, people come to the local temple for help, consolation, and then with gratitude.

It is not surprising that the source is covered with a huge number of legends. The very first of them is connected, of course, with its foundation.

If you believe her, then many centuries ago Theodosius of the Caucasus, choosing where to build a skete, prayed on a stone for 7 days. In the morning, it was in this place that a beautiful and rare periwinkle flower bloomed. Having built the chapel, Theodosius also asked about the source, which immediately appeared.

You can visit the source at any time completely free of charge, but getting to it is quite difficult. To do this, you will have to rent a car or purchase an excursion at one of the travel agencies.

Lermontov arbor

Whether Mikhail Yuryevich was in Anapa or not is not known for certain. However, the locals firmly believe that they have been. Moreover, he spent most of his short but bright life in the Kuban and the Caucasus. It is not surprising that there is a place in the city associated with the name of the poet. This is a wonderful romantic gazebo on the edge of the cliff, in Bolshoy Utrish.

Judging by the stories of the guides, it was here that Mikhail Yuryevich drew inspiration for writing the novel Hero of Our Time. Believe it or not - everyone's personal business. But from the views that open from the Lermontov pavilion, even experienced travelers will definitely feel dizzy.

However, to enjoy them you will have to spend money on a taxi or an excursion (the cost depends on the program) - you will not be able to get here by public transport.

Monument to Aibolit

The city is considered one of the best children's health resorts on the Black Sea coast. It is not surprising that it was here that a monument to the hero of everyone's favorite fairy tale, Aibolit, appeared.

The good doctor sits on a log and sets his wing to a butterfly, and many grateful and already healthy animals have gathered around him: a parrot, a pig, a hare, a squirrel. Despite the fact that a cute monument appeared relatively recently, tourist traditions are already associated with it.

In order to "catch your luck", you need to rub the cross on the doctor's hat, reduce the pressure - stroke the parrot, and touching the squirrel will cure joint pain. And if you suddenly get sick with a runny nose, it is enough to touch the piglet's piglet.

Apparently, there are a lot of tourists who believe in examples, because the monument in the cherished places is rubbed to a shine. Aibolit was registered at the entrance to the DiLUCH sanatorium, on Kalinin Street. They admit to him completely free of charge at any time of the day or night.

Monument to the white hat

The song about the legendary hat, which must certainly be worn before the trip, was sung to the accompaniment of a guitar by Soviet holidaymakers. Not so long ago, they remembered about folk art, and gave a new life to the hat. Very quickly, an unusual monument erected at the Park Hotel became a symbol of the city.

Indeed, one cannot do without a headdress under the scorching sun. But, alas, the hat was soon stolen. The sculpture was so fond of the locals and guests that it was decided to restore it. The new home for the white marble hat is the 30th Anniversary of Victory Park.

Nowadays, there is even a custom - passing by the hat, take off the headdress. Moreover, tourists believe that touching it brings good luck. And a photo for memory is an obligatory item of the Anapa program.

In order to do it, sometimes you even have to stand in line. Finding a white hat is not so difficult - it is located, as mentioned above, in the Park of the 30th anniversary of Victory, on Gorky Street. Many city buses and minibuses stop nearby.

Russian gate

Despite all its seeming lightness, this is a city with a rich and rather complicated history. For a long time, this territory was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and to strengthen the borders near the Caucasus Mountains, the Turks built an impressive fortress, consisting of seven bastions and three gates. Unfortunately, very little has survived to this day - the only gate.

They began to be called Russians in 1854, in honor of the successful completion of the Russian-Turkish war and the liberation of the city in 1828.

Today this monument is not only a reminder of the deeds of bygone days, but also a symbol of the power of the Russian army, which remains strong at all times. The Russian Gate is located on the Upper Embankment. Finding them is easy.

Ethnographic children's park "Dobrodeya"

Although Dobrodeya is called a children's ethnographic park, it attracts tourists of all ages. After all, this is a unique place where you can get acquainted with local customs, traditions, and even take part in a real Cossack feast - with a rich table, drinks, songs and dances. The territory of the park-museum is conditionally divided into two parts. The first, the kingdom of Berendey, is dedicated to Russian fairy tales.

Little guests literally from the very first steps get into the magical world of adventures, meet famous heroes and, of course, do not leave without gifts. The second part is already more serious - this is the Cossack courtyard.

Here you can get acquainted with the customs of local residents, visit a real hut with typical interiors, examine clothes, weapons and many other interesting things. The ethnographic park is located in the Gostagaevskaya village, where you can easily get there by bus or minibus. The cost of the visit is 150 rubles. Dobrodeya's doors are open from 10-00 to 21-00 on any day except Monday.

Flower clock

Probably, there is not a single vacationer who at least once would not check the time on the legendary flower clock. They appeared not so long ago, in 2008, but they have already become a symbol of the resort and take their rightful place on postcards and souvenirs.

The sculpture was designed and thought out very carefully. The mechanism was made according to a special order in Poland, the diameter of the watch, exactly 10 meters, was also not chosen by chance - it is the same as that of a living clock on Poklonnaya Gora.

The flowerbed design itself is a creation of local florists. By the way, every night the flower clock is updated, replacing faded plants with new ones. Finding a living sculpture is not difficult - it is located at 85 Krepostnaya Street. Here is the road to the embankment and the central city beach.

Monument "Scarlet Sails"

The embankment has its own life, filled with a specific mood of tranquility, an unforgettable vacation by the Black Sea. The atmosphere of the ancient breath of the area is complemented by original architectural compositions, amazing proposals of landscape designers. Legends come to life in their creations, original elements that raise the mood appear.

Looking at the crimson sails fluttering under the sea breeze on a frame composition made in the shape of a ship, one cannot but recall the mysterious girl Assol. You can climb a 5-meter boat, stand at the helm and, peering into the endless sea, imagine yourself as a handsome prince (the brave Arthur Gray) from the story of Alexander Green.

From the side of the embankment, the boat is surrounded by another sea, a sea of ​​flowers. A flower ship is often called a composition that evokes the mood of romance, love, travels through the unknown seas. It has long become one of the symbols of the city.

Fountain "Pearl of Anapa"

Fountains with silver streams of water, ringing, singing, sparkling with multi-colored rainbows adorn many cities of Russia. It is difficult to imagine summer in a resort town without the magic music of the fountains. Especially here, on the lands of ancient Gorgippia, where there was a special relationship to water as a living being. There is no need to look for a beautiful fountain: you have to stand with your back to the sea, facing the archaeological museum and your gaze will freeze from the view of the imaginary pearls sparkling in the streams of water.

The fountain appeared on the embankment near the famous ship "Scarlet Sails" in 2015. There is no ordinary bowl-shaped element next to it that collects flowing water. It is a flat area with shiny mirrored balls (like pearls) fixed at different levels.

The bowl illuminated from below enhances the impression of a water-sculptural composition, symbolizing the worship of water. You can run and have fun through the fountain between six balls in magical streams of water. Children love to do this safely, filling the embankment with their joyful laughter.

Bald mountain

In the vicinity there are many interesting, beautiful places filled with the atmosphere of ancient life. One of them is the Bald Mountain towering over the sea. It was not always deserted. Excavations carried out on its slopes, the summit, have not yet revealed all the secrets to people.

Perhaps the mysterious Serebryanka river with healing water feeding the city of Georgippia will one day break out of the underground captivity created by man and again rush its waters into Malaya Bay, delighting the inhabitants. And again a huge grove of thickets of rare Pitsunda pine will turn green.

Bushes of special thyme will complement the green garment of the mountain. Now tourists rush to Lysaya Gora to see the remaining vegetation, to look at the marine surroundings. Hear the chirping of numerous swallows that have settled in their own town, Swallow's Nest, built in the rocks.

You can get to an interesting place by car to the village of Varvarovka. As a walk, it is proposed to walk along the beach to the stairs "873 steps". Go up and go in the direction of the mysterious balls belonging to the military base.

Bow cross

In the role of a symbol of victory over fascism, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, a huge concrete cross was erected, the largest in the Krasnodar Territory. Its height reaches 19 m, width is 8 m.

On both sides of the concrete cross there are bronze faces of the Savior. The memorial plaque speaks of the purpose of the creation of the cross. He personifies the victory of life over death, the reconciliation of the peoples of the Caucasus, the beginning of a new life in the Caucasus Mountains. A capsule is laid at the base of the cross.

It is supposed to be opened on the 90th anniversary of the liberation of the Kuban from the fascist invaders. The consecration of the cross took place in 2005 by Metropolitan Isidor of Yekaterinodar and Kuban. The project was supervised by the architect S. Slavinsky.

The cross is located on the territory of the village of Su-Psekh on Poklonnaya Hill. The monument is clearly visible from the road. It is easy to climb Poklonnaya Gora, pay tribute to the brave actions of the inhabitants, and wish the country a peaceful life. And, of course, admire the breathtaking views of the city and its surroundings.

Floristic sculpture "Dove of Peace"

The emergence of floristry as an art form dates back to ancient times. Most often, it reflected the current pagan rituals and religious faith. Plants were credited with magical powers that influence the fate of a person.

In the 17th century, gardens near rich palaces began to be decorated with unusual sculptures of green plants. In their designs, there was a deep meaning along with the unusual beauty of the element in landscape design.

On Teatralnaya Square, the flower composition "Dove of Peace" attracts special attention. The bird, symbolizing peace, freedom, joy, amazes with its snow-white color. It fits comfortably in the palm of a human hand, completely trusting the person. As if, it informs him of the good news about the victory, the holiday, the calm triumph of people. A walk near an interesting floral sculpture attracts a large number of tourists.

Dolphinarium "Nemo"

The multifunctional complex consisting of a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, a zoo "Balu", a penguinarium is located at 20 a Pionersky prospect. It hosts numerous programs with the participation of animals. Shops and cafes work. Design solutions for the elements of the complex were created according to the latest scientific achievements. Here you can walk along the seabed next to sharks, pet a smiling dolphin, overhear the conversation of large and small penguins.

The modern zoo is filled with different animals. Among them, monkeys are having fun, crocodiles are frighteningly clicking their teeth, real eagles are flying importantly and sedately. The king of beasts, the lion, has settled comfortably and the only white tiger on the coast considers the zoo to be its real home.

The complex can be visited by people of any age. Convenient lifts and ramps have been made for people with disabilities. As additional services, you can take advantage of dolphin therapy sessions (it costs 6,000 rubles).

Day off at the complex on Monday. The performances are held on a regulated schedule. Their duration is 1 hour. You can get to the dolphinarium by public transport going towards Vityazevo and Blagoveshchenskaya.

Lion's Head Castle

A copy of a real medieval fortress was erected among the relict juniper thickets of a picturesque valley near the village of Sukko.

The modern entertainment complex takes the participants into the atmosphere of medieval knightly tournaments, crusades, romantic adventures of antiquity. Theatrical performances taking place in the castle are held with the participation of professional actors, acrobats, stuntmen.

In the evenings, the castle lights up with extraordinary lighting, the lights of the jugglers' maces, fiery circles through which brave horse riders jump. Everything is like in a real ancient life. At the same time, 1200 people can be present in the castle (its dimensions are 100 × 45 m, 12-meter watchtowers around the perimeter). The castle is surrounded by stone walls 8 m high.

In it you can see: the torture museum, the Robin Hood shooting range, the lists, the stable. To a blacksmith, a pottery workshop. Buy a souvenir in a convenient shop, sit in a tavern and enjoy a royal meal. You can get to the castle by shuttle bus 109, a passenger car. The ticket price depends on the season and is approximately 500 rubles.

Archaeological Museum "Gorgippia"

In the center of the city there is a museum, which includes an archaeological reserve and a local history department. Here you can learn everything about the history of the ancient place where the city grew up.

Excavations, carried out even now, have revealed the great secret of Gorgippia (and even earlier, called Sindik), a large center of ancient civilization on the Black Sea coast. The death of the ancient city occurred due to a strong fire provoked by the military actions of nomadic tribes.

In the open air you can see the foundations of residential buildings, cobbled streets, wells, a section of the fortress wall, which was reborn from the ruins of the city. The crypt of Hercules, discovered in 1975, is considered the jewel of the museum. The museum presents an interesting exposition of the artifacts found. These are weapons, coins, dishes, bronze sculptures. Terracotta figurines, sarcophagi, tombstones and more. dr.

In 1991, a memorial plate "Mother Mary" was installed on the territory of the museum. She helped the wounded during the war, died in the gas chamber. The museum is located at the address: Embankment, 3. Ticket price 250 rubles. for an adult and 150 rubles. to kid.

Museum of local lore

The museum is located in a building included in the list of the city's historical heritage. There, the family of local teachers, the Shchetnevs, opened a gymnasium to teach children from poor families. Now the museum is considered a department of the main museum - the Archaeological.

The small room contains artifacts that tell about the history of Anapa over many centuries. Fascinating exhibitions tell about the times of the Bosporan Kingdom. Battles in the Russian-Turkish, World War II.

Documents, weapons, letters tell about the exploits of compatriots. The pride of the museum is the collection of daggers, sabers, and armor of the Circassians. The museum has a hall of flora and fauna of the surrounding area. They show plants, animals that existed in different historical periods. Three interesting dioramas are designed: "Steppe", "Forest", "Plavni".

In one of the halls you can see a real treasure found not far from Anapa. These are well-preserved Turkish silver coins. The museum often hosts thematic exhibitions.For example, on the art of winemaking, known since ancient times. Or exhibitions titled "Made in the USSR", "Wild West". The museum is located at st. Potapova, 1.

Park named after the 30th anniversary of Victory

You can look at the beautiful resort town, the unforgettable Black Sea from the Ferris wheel located in the central park of the city. Most often it is called "Amusement Park" because of the large number of attractions.

Among them are modern devices and mechanisms, familiar to us from early childhood. The entire central part of the park is occupied by swings, racing tracks, children's slides, comfortable sandpits, and funny figures on springs.

Bright modern attractions in the form of inflatable structures have grown up. You can explore them all day. Pools filled with colored balls appeared, a house turned upside down. Entertainment complex "Flint's Gold", created in the form of a copy of real slot machines, mini-cinemas with unexpected effects for the younger generation.

The park has a zoo and an aquarium. Its unusual places begin right at the entrance. For example, a coniferous alley of trees planted by astronauts (the alley of fame with their names). The park has a cinema, cafes, nightclubs. It is located on Gorky Street.

Water Ski Park "Sea of ​​Pleasure"

Russia's first water-skiing stadium opened in 2007. It was built by analogy with the German project of sports entertainment on the water. The towing of skiers is carried out with the help of cable traction according to the technology invented in the 70s.

The speed of movement with cable traction is from 30 to 60 km / h. You can master the technique of wakeboarding, race on mono skis, wakeskates, enjoy high-speed gliding on the water surface in a modern park under the guidance of experienced trainers.

After several sessions, the ability to perform individual tricks appears. The park has two tracks. One for beginners in shallow water, and one for advanced athletes. All basic equipment is included in the ticket price. For an additional fee, you can use a wetsuit and other accessories. In 2008, the cable wakeboarding world championship was held at the water stadium.

Here you can fly over the sea on a huge trampoline, experiencing extreme flight in any weather. There is a water stadium on the Embankment, 23. It is open daily from 14 to 20 hours. On weekends, work starts at 11 o'clock.

Temple of Saint Onuphrius the Great

Not far from the embankment, in its historical center, there is a beautiful building of an ancient church. This is a functioning Orthodox church, erected in the 19th century, and is considered a historical monument of federal significance. It is one of the oldest cathedrals preserved in the Kuban.

In the life of the temple there are many difficult stages, merciless destruction. Now it has been completely restored, returned to believers, plays an important role as the spiritual center of the city, the heavenly patron, which is Saint Onuphrius.

The appearance of the temple amazes with bright turquoise wall paints with elegant white decorative elements. Dark domes and a roof complement the solemn, majestic image of the architectural structure. The interior decoration shines with gold of the iconostasis, icon frames against the background of amazing green walls. A multi-tiered chandelier descending from the ceiling drum illuminates the room and the magnificent temple icon depicting St. Onuphrius sitting with an angel on a cloud.

All types of services are held in the church, there is a Sunday school and an Orthodox library. The melodies of the church choir sound under the dome, filling the building with a special atmosphere. The temple is located at Sobornaya st., 7. You can get there by bus 125 to the Lenin and Astrakhanskaya stops.

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov

The new church was erected in the modern period on the site of the former cathedral. Construction began in 2005, and already on January 7, 2014, the first divine service was held in the church. Great celebrations took place during the greeting of the bell, the arrival of the icon depicting the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

The architectural design of the building is a complex configuration of numerous annexes. The one-domed domed church is stylized as a variant of the structure of the Pskov-Novgorod school of architecture.

The interior is notable for a large number of wall murals depicting scenes from the Bible. The church has a rich, beautiful iconostasis.

There are legends that the people standing next to him are healed of any ailments thanks to the healing power of all the icons of the temple. The construction of the House of Mercy (a social shelter for lonely, weak people) is nearing completion. Working: Orthodox library of Cyril and Methodius.

Sunday school, over the building of which there is a wooden bell tower with a baptismal chapel and a clock. Refugee support service, clothing aid warehouse, family and motherhood support center. If necessary, you can talk with a priest, get legal and psychological assistance. The temple is located at st. Mayakovsky, 111-B.

Monument stele "Soaring Eagle"

A unique observation deck has been organized in the vicinity, revealing the immense beauty of the city, the sea, and the surrounding area. Its peculiarity is that it is organized in a place corresponding to the beginning of the Caucasus Mountains.

An ancient mountain range stretching between the Black and Caspian Seas. The beginning of the kingdom of snowy mountain peaks, among which the highest mountain in Russia Elbrus, is marked by an unusual stele with the figure of an eagle.

The unusual strength, endurance, intelligence of this bird symbolically speaks of the greatness of the Caucasus Mountains. The wingspan, keen eyes, proud look, impetuous flight make him the main one among the numerous birds.

The image of an eagle is present on many coats of arms, flags, confirming their power. The figure gives the same meaning to the birth of a natural force - the Caucasus Mountains. The stele is located near the village of SU-Psekh on the road to Varvarovka. The Semisamsky ridge of the Caucasus Mountains begins here. A monument was made of strong cold bronze according to the project of Y. Rysin and V.Polyakov.

Monument to the Vacationer

The economy of the resort town is determined by the number of tourists. In gratitude for this, smart residents have come up with an original monument expressing a calm beach holiday on the Black Sea coast.

It is located at the entrance to the central beach next to the Fatini hotel. A huge man (more than 8 m in length) with his hands thrown back behind his head is basking in the sun. The legs are buried from the knees to the waist in the sand, which is often true.

On the torso lies a snow-white beach hat with wide brim. There is a plaque on it with information about the monument. The sculpture of a vacationer is located in a rectangular granite container.

Its filling is made of sand, pebbles, flowers, confirming various options for recreation. The authors of the project are sculptures by Kuprina. The monument was unveiled in 2018 at Naberezhnaya, 80.

Sukko Valley

During your vacation, along with beach, sea activities, you want to get acquainted with the amazing Black Sea coast. One of these places is the village of Sukko, located in a valley with an amazing microclimate, created by an unusual landscape with impenetrable thickets of juniper, mountains that do not allow cold winds and, of course, water. The resulting air, filled with a combination of sea and juniper, is beneficial for asthmatics.

In the valley of the Sukko River, since ancient times, the life of the Sindi, Adyghe tribes took place. Now it is a popular tourist area. For a comfortable stay, elements of convenient infrastructure (gazebos, sun loungers) have been implemented on the shores of the blue Lake Sukko. There is a fascinating "African village" on it, where the "Rhythms of Africa" ​​show is held during the summer.

In the evening, performances for adults begin with dances to the sound of tambourines, alcohol, erotic contests. A horse excursion route runs along the valley. Now there is the Sukko Valley Eco Park. It is open daily throughout the year from 9 am to 2 am. You can come here by car, minibus, bus in 20 minutes.

Cypress lake

An artificial reservoir has been created on the eastern side of the Sukko village. The lake is located at the foot of Shirokaya Mountain. A coastline composed of limestone deposits. They give it an extraordinary blue hue, which gave the name to the Blue Lake reservoir. The water in it is fresh, which is important for this region. In the northern part of the lake there is a natural monument in the form of cypress trees growing in the water.

The history of the appearance of 32 cypress trees is not fully known. These trees can grow in subtropical wetlands with high humidity. The swamps of Louisiana are considered their homeland. The largest thickets of swamp cypress trees are found at Lake Caddo. In Europe, they grow in the Danube Delta, Crimea and here.

After admiring the slender trees emerging from the water, you can sunbathe on the local beach (swimming in the lake is prohibited), fly on a troll using a cable stretched from the nearby mountain to the dam, wander through the beautiful surroundings with different types of junipers. A parking lot for private cars is organized on the lake.

Reserve "Bolshoy Utrish"

On the territory of 5.2 thousand hectares there is a unique natural zone of the Black Sea coast. Rocky cliffs protect small cozy beaches, lagoons, beautiful waterfalls used for recreation.

The famous juniper-pistachio forest of the reserve reigns around. The Bolshoi Utrish nature reserve is located on the Abrau Peninsula, between the settlements of Sukko and Maly Utrish. Representatives of the relict vegetation of our planet are under special protection there.

The protected fauna of the reserve includes rare Mediterranean species of butterflies, birds, and individual animals. The reserve was formed in 1994. Gradually, an open-air dolphinarium appeared here in the lagoon.

In summer, dolphins, beluga whales, and seals participate in daily performances. In the reserve's aquarium, you can see fish caught in the sea. At the end of the season, they must be released back. You can visit the reserve along with an excursion.

Valley of the lotuses

One of the most beautiful and unusual places is the Lotus Valley. Those most famous flowers in India, Associated with the religion of Buddha. The unique thickets created by human hands on the Akhtanizovsky estuary amaze tourists with their beauty from July to the end of August.

Delicate pink flowers, gradually becoming snow-white, wide green leaves completely cover the surface of the water, forming a festive carpet. In the natural conditions of the Krasnodar Territory, lotuses do not grow.

The first flower seeds were brought to the Kuban in the 1960s by the botanist Shekhov. Of the large number of tested varieties, only the Caspian lotus turned out to be successful for spectacular growth. This is facilitated by the shallow water depth in the lake. It warms up well in the sun. Growth conditions allow the formation of leaves up to 80 cm in diameter and flowers up to 15 cm.

Lotus flowers remain open for two weeks. They can only live with a lot of moisture. Within a few minutes after the break, the flower dies. It is prohibited to rip them off. During the flowering of the lotus, the surroundings are filled with a delicate scent. It is convenient to visit the lotus valley along with an excursion.

Cape Panagia

There are many ancient cities on our land forever hidden by seas and oceans. Elemental forces changed the landscape, mountains were born, seas appeared. In this place of the Taman Peninsula, under the water column, the secret of deep antiquity is also hidden.

As if it protects its natural monument near the Kerch Strait in the form of a cape, towering 30 meters above the sea. Taman land is considered an archaeological site of ancient civilizations. An ancient reef created from the fossilized skeletons of miniature marine animals, bryozoans.

In those days, there was still no man. Every year, the water erodes and destroys about a meter of rock, exposing ancient layers. Who knows, maybe subsequent generations will not be able to see the natural monument named after the image of Mother Panagia - one of the first saints of Christianity.

During the difficult war years, the cape was not only a natural monument. It housed artillery batteries that defended the Kerch coast. From the point of view of a beach holiday, this place is used in a wild version with tents.

Sights of Anapa on the map


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