Pereslavl-Zalessky - the city of ancient legends


Pereslavl is one of the cities of the "Golden Ring" of Russia. This is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky and the birthplace of the Russian fleet. The city on the banks of the beautiful Pleshcheyevo Lake is small and cozy, full of ancient temples and monasteries. He has collected unique museum collections and keeps many interesting legends.



The history of the origin of the name

The city was originally called Pereyaslavl. This name, derived from the male name Pereyaslav - "took over the glory", the Slavs gave to several of their cities. The first was founded on the left tributary of the Dnieper, the Trubezh.

Goritsky monastery

It has been mentioned in chronicles since 907. Then they talked about it as about Pereyaslavl Russian, and now this city is known as Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky. A little later, in 1095, Pereslavl Ryazan appeared, which in 1778 was renamed Ryazan.

And finally in 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a city behind the forests from southern Pereyaslavl, and it received the name of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky... As we, naming a child in honor of a respected relative or a famous person, want the name to help him build his destiny and “adopt glory”, so the people who founded the city on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo wished him prosperity and power, equal to the former capital of the Pereyaslavl principality. Even the river flowing into the lake near the new city began to be called, like the Dnieper tributary, Trubezh.

Temples, monasteries and other architectural monuments of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky has preserved many church traditions. Within the city limits and suburbs there are six active Orthodox monasteries, the oldest of which, Nikitsky, was founded in 1010, during the period of the spread of Christianity in Russia.... Its buildings, which have survived to this day, date back to the 15th-19th centuries and are historical and architectural monuments.

Nikitsky monastery

The historical center of the city is decorated with the most ancient Orthodox church in Pereslavl - the Transfiguration Cathedral. The white stone one-domed church in the Byzantine style was built on an embankment in the 12th century. And she's not the only one. Temples and ancient chapels stand throughout Pereslavl-Zalessky, delighting its residents and guests with the grace of forms and beauty of lines, and are real objects of cultural heritage.

In addition to Orthodox churches and monasteries, Pereslavl-Zalessky also has interesting civil buildings: factories of Pavlov, Golmberg and Borisov, founded in the middle of the 19th century, buildings of parish and city schools, women's and men's gymnasiums, built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, and also several private houses and estates that have preserved the traditions of wooden and stone architecture of the XIX-XX centuries.

Pereslavl-Zalessky Museums

More than 20 museums have been created in this small town with a population of only 40 thousand people. The largest Pereslavl-Zalessky Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the Dormition Goritsky Monastery. In it you can see a collection of ancient icons of the 15th-18th centuries, a memorial exposition of F.I. Shalyapin, a collection of wooden sculptures, carvings and paintings.

Fedorovsky monastery

In the village of Veskovo, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, the oak boat of Peter I is kept - the only ship of Peter's amusing fleet that has survived to our time. In the same village, the Teapot Museum and the Mint Museum of the History of Money are located. And a few kilometers away, in the village of Talitsy, there is an unusual Museum of Steam Locomotives dedicated to narrow-gauge railways. It displays a collection of old locomotives, wagons, machines and mechanisms that were used by railway workers in the 19th and 20th centuries.

In order to preserve folk traditions and crafts in the mid-2000s, the Berendey House (38 Uritskogo Street) was established in the city. Here you can visit master classes of artists and carvers, see with your own eyes how works of folk art are born and buy original author's souvenirs.

Legends of Pleshcheevo Lake

The city stands on the shore of a large lake, one of the most beautiful on the Central Russian plain - a real pearl of the "Golden Ring of Russia". People have long settled on its banks and revered this lake as a holy place. Until now, on its northeastern coast, you can see a large boulder - the Blue Stone - a place of worship of the ancient pagans.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The lake itself has a rounded shape and receives the waters of 19 rivers and streams. Its largest tributary is the Trubezh River, which originates in the Berendey bog. It is not difficult to go around the lake - the whole way around will take about 30 km.

On the coast, it is shallow and has long been chosen by fans of windsurfing and kiteboarding. It is convenient to learn how to "master" the wind here. And even if a beginner is inadvertently carried away from the shore, he will always be able to return on foot in shallow water.

Making an excursion around the lake, one cannot but visit several earthen ramparts left over from the ancient Russian city of Kleshchina. He was the predecessor of Pereslavl-Zalessky. And, of course, a special protected area here is the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park, created to preserve and restore the natural-historical complex around Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Tourist infrastructure

Arriving in the city, you can always stay overnight in hotels, mini-hotels, motels, guest houses at a recreation center or in a boarding house. It is easy to find accommodation options that satisfy the quality of services and prices. And since the annual flow of tourists traveling along the Golden Ring is growing, the hotel chain in the city continues to build.

Sretenskaya Church

Moreover, there is an opportunity to get up with tents on equipped sites around Lake Pleshcheyevo (in Ureva, Yazevka, Botik and Kuhmar) on the territories of the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park and in several shelters, as well as at recreation centers.

In Pereslavl-Zalessky there are many restaurants and cafes designed for visitors. So it's hard to stay hungry in the city. In the center of the city (Narodnaya Square, 11) there is even a whole cultural and entertainment complex "Golden Ring", which has several halls and is ready to feed guests with dishes of Russian, Japanese and Italian cuisines.

Armed with a map and travel guides, it is not difficult to travel around the city and its surroundings on your own. But, if you wish, you can use the services of local travel companies and take part in interesting organized excursions around the famous dendrological garden, ecological paths of the national park, in rural tours and take part in folklore festivals.

And, of course, any trip is impossible without souvenirs. In Pereslavl-Zalessky there are many shops, salons and souvenir shops with wonderful works of folk craftsmen. Connoisseurs always try to buy in this city souvenirs with elegant Pereslavl embroidery, which are made at the embroidery factory "Novy Mir" and bright souvenirs from "Berendey's House".

Nikolsky monastery

How to get to Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky is located 120 km from the Moscow ring road and 125 km from the regional center - the city of Yaroslavl. By car. From the MKAD to the city, you need to go along the Yaroslavskoe highway and the M8 highway. The road will take 2.20 hours.

By bus. Buses to the city run from the central bus station of Moscow, located near the Shchelkovskaya metro station, - 8 runs daily. In addition, you can get to Pereslavl-Zalessky by buses following to Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Gavrilov Yam and Makariev. Travel time - 3.05 hours.

Virtual tour of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky on the map

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